General Rules
  • School begins at 7:15 a.m. and ends at 1:30 p.m., in summer. Students are advised to report to school by 7:00 a.m. to avoid inconvenience.
  • All students must report to school punctually and report for Morning Assembly at the first bell at 7:10 a.m. Late comers to report to teachers-in-charge of school discipline.
  • No students will be allowed in the campus without school uniform. Students should be correctly dressed and their general appearance should conform to such regulations as prescribed by the school. Parents are requested to foster in their wards habits of neatness, regularity, punctuality and respect
  • Every student is required to put in attendance of not less than 75% of the total number of working days.
  • No student can leave school premises during school hours without the Principal's permission.
  • No students will be sent home, even in urgent cases, unless parent, or a duly authorized person, reports to school with a written request from the parents.
  • No student can absent himself from the school without submitting a leave application written and signed by the parent/guardian,. Applications written by the student will not be accepted. No leave of absence from examination is granted.
  • Progress report stating academic progress of each student is given after every examination. The person who signs the progress report may be the father, mother or local guardian, the specimen signatures of whom are given in the personal record of each student. Class Teacher will verify signatures.
  • Parents are cordially welcome to inquire about the progress of their children/wards. Whenever they come, they are advised to see the Principal first and inform about their intention. No visitors will be allowed to interview a teacher while he/she is in class.
  • Students are forbidden to bring mobile phones, video game sets, gold ornaments, knives, razor blades, or any other gadgets or weapons to school for obvious reasons. Besides they are prohibited from doing any money transactions among themselves while in school. Disciplinary action will be taken against such students who bring any of the above items and the item will be confiscated.
  • Students are expected to keep their class-room neat and tidy. Students causing damage to school property, reporting late to school, disfiguring furniture, writing on the wall have to pay a fine imposed for it or other appropriate action may be taken.
  • Students must be abide by certain norms of discipline and behavior. They will greet their teachers and elders and behave with decorum in the school, or in other public places. They will refrain from using harsh/foul language.
  • Students should not loiter on the verandah during school hours. If they have to move on the campus they should do so in an orderly manner without disturbing the neighbouring classes.
  • Students should bring their diary and it should be produced on demand by the Principal or any teacher.
  • Importance of spoken English cannot be over emphasized students should speak English in the class room and in the campus. The school expects the parents to encourage their children to speak in English both in the campus and outside.
  • 1 Students must leave the school campus within 15-20 minutes after school gives over. There after the school authority will not be responsible for your ward.
  • The school will not be responsible for the loss of any belongings of children.
  • Keeping or use of cell phones in the school campus is strictly prohibited. If any such device is found it will be confiscated and permanently disabled.
  • Students fo class X & below are not allowed to come to school on self driven two wheelers, geared or non geared.
  • Students of class I to V are permitted to come in civil dress on their Birthdays. Students of all other classes must come in uniform on birthdays.
  • Applying leave of absence on behalf of your ward is easy with the app.
    You will get instant notification on your app of leave's approval or rejection.

  • Instant push notification for all messages.

  • Easy view of photo albums after receiving SMS update from e-Care Pro team.

  • Sequential log of all received SMS with sender's image.

  • Attendance, schedule, academic records, syllabus, conversation, assignments H.W etc.
    Everything is now available on mobile app.

  • Website when opened through e-Care Pro App on mobile, gives much optimized and concise
    look with better experience than PC or laptop browsing.

  • Pay fees online using your mobile app sitting at home easily.

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